Friday, 22 January 2021

Lyme Dreams: A Series #10 - Phantom of the Opera meets Batman Begins

This dream was super emotionally based but also had a few very vivid and distinct visuals.  

In the dream, I was super-deformed only in the face, very much "Phantom of the Opera" style.  And I was walking around doing my thing and wearing this perfectly all white and smooth porcelain mask. And then somehow people found out I was deformed and I decided they had to die because they knew.  So, I went all "Batman begins" and I emitted a poisonous gas from the inside of my mask to kill them all.

So, yeah, there was that.

Lyme Dreams: A Series #9 - What Politicians are Actually Good For

Some night while dreaming I had some sort of realization about politicians apparently.

In my dream, I think I was working for some charity and realizing that the volunteer pool was a mess and nobody knew how to organize anyone.  

I thought politicians know how to use people.  We should put them in charge of sorting volunteers at all charity organizations.  

That's the thought I woke up with.

So there you have it, something politicians could actually be useful for.  Don't get me wrong.  I think we could muddle along without them in this capacity and the world would be better off without any politicians at all.  I'm just trying to be pragmatic while I dream, you know? 

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Lyme Dreams: A Series #8 - Jealousy in the House

This is a really cool cliff wall of rock up near Split Mountain in the desert

I had a dream where I was somehow in a relationship with a friend who I will call Bob:

So, somehow in the dream, I know that I'm in a relationship with Bob.  But I don't want to be because I'm actually in love with, oh let's call him Thornton (in real life Thornton is my actual boyfriend, just with a different name, of course).  Since Bob also knows that I'm in love with Thornton, he gets jealous.  It's only natural, we're in a relationship, Bob and I.  

So, apparently, it seems like a good idea to Bob to plan an elaborate thing to make me jealous.  We live in a proper house that has a dorm room style bunk bed situation in the bedroom.  I come home and walk into the bedroom to find Bob actively sleeping with some random girl.  He's trying to make aggressive eye contact with me because he's doing this to make me jealous.  

Apparently, I'm unflappable.  I just look down because it's awkward as all Hell, and I get whatever I needed from the room and turn around to leave.  I say "Well, I'll just, uh, leave you to it then."  I close the door softly behind me and walk away.  I'm not the least bit jealous.  Bob's plan fails.  But I feel super awkward about what I just witnessed.

Then I wake up.

I know that I'm not in an actual relationship with Bob, nor did I do anything, not even in the dream.  But I still felt horribly guilty that I'd gotten into a dream relationship with Bob.  I called my boyfriend, the real-life Thornton (of another name) and told him the whole strange dream.  He laughed uproariously.  He thought it was hilarious that I had dreamed I was in a relationship with Bob, he also thought it was exactly the sort of bizarre hijinks Bob would get up to out of jealousy (dialed up to ten for dream drama of course).  He thought it was super funny that I felt guilty for this dream relationship that I made up in my Lyme dreams.  After I finally stopped feeling guilty about it, I also thought it was funny.

Lyme Dreams: A Series #7 - London Funerals with Racists

June 7th, 2020 I had a rather intense dream about racism.  

Fog settling over the hills on Iron Mountain, photo by The Madder Hatter

In my dream, I was in London attending funerals. And I was being hunted down by genetically inbred racist militants.  These racist militants had already murdered half the people who were meant to have attended the funeral and had hacked the phones of the people at the funeral to find out what they were posting on social media to see if they were on the "correct" side and could be allowed live.  Oh, and you could tell who all the inbred racists were because they all had identical noses.  
The racist militants had found my posts about being upset about racism and they were coming to get me. They had posted about how I was wrong and needed to see the right way. We knew I didn't have much time and I needed to get out of the funeral without being seen.  I had to be smuggled out of the funeral by an extremely tall security guard who was rushing me out as surreptitiously as possible.  He was hauling me out even as I said "I'm not leaving without my mother".  I managed to get ahold of her hand as we barreled through the crowds and she managed to come with us just barely.  Then we got close to the exit of the building and realized we had to get me out without them seeing my face.  So I had to pretend that the security guard was my boyfriend and that I was really overwhelmed by the funeral and he was hiding me under his arm with my face hidden in his chest to get us away clean.

Then we were pretending everything was ok as we fast-walked to the car to escape. And suddenly it was my boyfriend and not the security guard. And we frolicked in the rain on the way to the car. Then we started fleeing the danger of the racists again. We hurried to this car to try to get away and even with all this intense urgency of fleeing for our lives, I noticed that the car we were getting into had these weird space-age doors that, in order to open, fold up and such.  Even worried for my life I stopped and judged the car.  "How is anyone supposed to know how to make that work?"  Then we were in the car, my boyfriend navigating us through convoluted roads while my mom drove.  We were trying to get to safety away from London and then to America where hopefully the inbred militants hadn't taken over and started hacking everyone's technology to find their targets.

Also, they were protesting against an old movie black and white movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger as the hulk and another old movie with a big-name actor that they claimed were going to be released and couldn't be allowed to be released because they were wrong politically.  This was all in a pamphlet that I was reading in the back seat of the car while my mom and boyfriend tried to race us to safety.  And I was like good luck stopping that. And the pamphlet said in terrible grammatically incorrect English that they had done some of the photo work for the movies and could stop them from being released. And I was hiding lying down in the back seat as I woke up thinking "let's see what kind of pull you really have." 

So, yeah, that was an intense dream that obviously came about in part because of all the talk of racism and politics and riots, etc. in the US.  Being that it was during the lockdown and much talk was of how to be an ally via social media, much of this dream makes a bit of sense.  Also, I'm fairly certain that I'd just recently watched London has Fallen.  So, the funerals and being chased were things my brain was contemplating along with all the racism and unrest.  The frolicking in the rain and the space car do not make much sense.  But there you have it.  

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Lyme Dreams: A Series #6 - How Pale Am I?

This dream was from August 9th, 2020

I had a dream where I thought I was tan.  And I put my arm around someone and realized I was appallingly pale.  I was so pale that I thought to myself "I need to go put on sunscreen right now".  

(Note that in real life I am very pale.  I was also on antibiotics for Lyme Disease and therefore had a greater likelihood of burning.  It must have been a thing my brain was just thinking about sort of constantly in the summer months.)

My pallid nature has been a source of both amusement and consternation for me.  I am rather pale.  But I'm not so pale that I don't tan.  I have a propensity to burn but it will turn into a tan that gradually builds through the summer.  I'm just not willing to burn often enough to actually get tan according to the rest of the world.  I'm tan for me, and it allows me to not burn instantly and that's good enough for me.  I've had too many family members with skin cancer to be into tanning for someone else's satisfaction or for some superficial beauty reasons.  Besides, there is nothing worse than a burn so bad that it's impossible to wear clothes and move even the slightest bit without immense pain.  

So, I'm not the palest person on the planet, in actual fact.  But I also wear a fair amount of sunscreen and tend to be pale year-round (at least compared to those who are naturally darker and properly tan).  The times I mind this the most include 1. when I burn, and 2. when I attract bugs in the darkness.  

Yes, it's true, that in pale moonlight I'm so pale that I'm almost bioluminescent and that bugs are attracted to me as a light source.  I know that I run towards the melodramatic and hyperbole.  If I were you, I'd probably be discounting this whole thing as poetic exaggeration.  But bugs are actually attracted to me in the dark because of how pale my skin is, and that is the honest truth.   

It's a conundrum. I'm not actually that pale.  I do actually tan.  But I also attract bugs in the dark because I'm that pale.  I don't know how I manage to live such a superiorly ridiculous life.