All Things Jane Austen

This is my page for all things Jane Austen.  

Apparently, I've been writing too much about the movie adaptations of Austen novels and it looks like we have reached the place where Jane Austen needs her own page.  
I'm not surprised by this situation, Jane Austen is incomparable.  Her novels are delightful and the movie adaptations range from divine to wretched.  In short, there is a lot to say on the subject of Austen, and as we all know, I'm rather verbose.  So, here we are.  Here's a new page dedicated to all the things Austen.

I, rather ambitiously, decided to rank and explain my ranking for, every Jane Austen movie adaptation.  That means I'm trying to watch every movie adaptation of Austen's work made (I clearly have not succeeded, but I'm working on it.)  It's a project that was designed to be endless, frustrating, and controversial, but here we are.  I'm mad, I like to torment myself with mad projects.


So, to see my ranking of Every Jane Austen Movie Adaptation, you can go here:

For a discussion and ranking of the individual movie adaptations of Jane Austen books you can see the following:



Then I started writing more essay-style blog posts on Jane Austen.  You can use the following links to see those:


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