Friday 17 April 2020

Extroverts Guide through Isolation – Get in Touch with Your Introvert Side

Advice on how to survive the quarantine written by an Introvert for her Extrovert Friends

Dear Extrovert,

My friend, first let me say that I know this is hard for you.  But I have some advice that might help you get through all the social isolation.

I feel that the key to surviving life in general is to not feel trapped by it.  So, as we are all forced to stay home and feeling a bit trapped, we have to find ways to liberate ourselves. 

Make staying in your choice.

The first step is to make staying in your choice.  Open your door, poke your head out and find a reason you don’t want to go outside after all.  Lean out your door, and before the sense of longing for the outside world can set in, tell yourself “I’d have to put on pants to go out, I think I’ll stay in today.”  Or perhaps it’s raining outside and really looks miserable.  Tell yourself that staying in with a cup of tea is the most preferable option. 

Now that we come to that Give Yourself Options.

Having options is one of the things we miss most about being stuck indoors against our will.  Find several occupations/projects/activities for yourself and then decide not to do some of them, this way you don’t feel you are doing any one thing because there are literally no other choices.  Sometimes coming up with really terrible chores is the best way forward.  I could work on scouring the entire bathroom, or I could watch this movie.  It might make you feel better. 

You may not be able to go out and see friends, but you can still connect with them.  Not only are there a variety of ways to video chat, you can also call or even write a letter.  Maybe it’s time to sit down and tell your friends how much they mean to you.  Find different ways to check in so you don’t feel like there’s no option and no way to be social.  Even for your video chats, have a dance party together, or have dinner together, or have an art class together.

Do Silly Things Without Fear of Judgement.

Turn up the music real loud and listen to that one song you love over and over again.  Or add a little humor to your normal mix and sing Staying Alive really loudly to yourself in your pajamas (they now pass for day wear).  Sing along at the top of your lungs even if you can’t sing. 

You can dance around your house in a combination of outfits you would never wear outside and feel free in the knowledge that nobody will see it or judge you.  Don’t be limited by comfort (though do indulge in that as well), wear everything neon or froofy you can find together.  Wear a ballgown to your own solo movie premiere.  Because, why shouldn’t you?  If you’re feeling bold you can send photos or videos to your friends and encourage them to do the same.

Escape the Here and Now

No really, there's a reason we all love to consume media, social or otherwise, it's the escapism.  

There’s a million ways to escape reality for a bit.  Try a few of them.  Read a book that’s got nothing to do with today or your normal daily life.  Watch a movie you’ve been meaning to get around to for ages.  

Join a silly online challenge, like wearing pillows as dresses for quarantine couture.  Or even join a silly facebook group such as “A group where we all pretend to be ants.”  Find something unusual you’ve never done and revel in the novelty of it from the comfort of your couch.  You can share it with all your friends online too.

Tons of places are offering new ways to be involved online.  Concerts and Broadway shows are being made available.  You can call up a friend and watch one together.  You could take an art class.  The other day I went to an art class via a Zoom meeting and did a paint along acrylic painting.
Start a Big Project (Or Finish One)

If you are at all like the rest of us, you probably have three major projects you’ve been meaning to do for the last 5-10 years and never have time for.  

Guess what?  Now is the time!

For my family it is hanging up fake tin wallpaper on our ceilings to look like a Victorian tin ceiling.  It’s going to take ages, but luckily, we have lots of time.  

There is time to take online classes to learn that language you always been wanting to learn.  You can start writing that novel you’ve always put off.  Learn knitting or finish a cross stitch.  

Finish any number of little projects that got shuffled into a corner with the advent of more pressing things.
Start painting more like you’ve been meaning to for years.  Start doing a journal or writing if you’ve been meaning to get around to that.

Find a Way to Be Helpful.

Last of all, find a way to give back to your community as you are kept safe by first responders and essential workers.  If you aren’t at risk, you could volunteer to drive for a local food bank or volunteer there in general.  You could bring groceries to neighbors.  If you are at risk, find other ways to be useful from home.  You could just be there as a listening ear for friends having a rough time.  You can get social time in and feel more connected while you help.  If you can sew and have fabric, make masks for neighbors and friends, or donate them to the local food bank or to first responders.

Keep in mind that you are doing your part, reminding yourself of this as you go crazy on your own feeling cooped up will help make it bearable.  You’re staying in precisely because YOU DO CARE about people.

Your Introvert Friend

P.S. If it all gets to be too much, it is still ok to run around your house crazily shouting for no reason.  Honestly, we will all understand.

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